Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Scheduling Makes My Head Ache

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Scheduling Makes My Brain Ache
Scheduling Makes My Brain Ache I've never been the kind of person who likes fitting my schedule around others. I've always thought it was because I HATE to wait and everybody knows it. One angry friend shouted at me once "You wouldn't wait fifteen minutes for Jesus to come down off the cross and say hello." That's likely overreaching, but truth is fifteen minutes is pretty much max waiting time for me no matter who you are. David Bowie was giving me the only exclusive interview he was doing in LA one year and at the fourteen minute waiting mark, I was packing up to go. The door opened, he walked in and said "Hi, I'm David." Ok, so I sat back down-- transfixed by those different colored eyes and secretly I'm a Bowie fan. --- I'm not totally unbending after all, and now the question this past week could I fit myself into a schedule at all? I've never had an alarm clock, getting up when I need to seems logical. But out I went to buy one, , got sidetracked over a spur of the moment lunch with a bumped-into old friend. When I told him what I was trying to do, he laughed out loud, suggesting it was waaay harder than it looked to schedule yourself down to the last minute. Ok, here's the deal I've set out to learn new things--maybe Spring kicked in, who knows. It's not always easy to tell the seasons in Southern California. I've signed myself up for classes, bought a Pilates Power Gym, actually opened the Rosetta Stone system I bought a year ago and bought 12 giant plants to further turn my yard into the English garden. I took my first class on "Writing for the Web," signed up for PitchFest, bought enough organic food for a week and finished off a couple of writing assignments. Then I needed to figure out the schedule. I tried, I really did but my conclusion is that nightbirds like me need to write all night, don't need an alarm clock, can eat, watch tv and race around with the kids when I should do. Those big plants are going to get put in the ground by the gardener. I'll inhale the Kentucky Derby Roses deeply as I pass them. The only solidly scheduled anything is my nightly session with the Pilates torture rack. I do the half hour while staring through my knees at the news. The news broadcast is so painful, I barely notice the Pilates pain. That's it though, I've decided that Scheduling Makes My Brain Ache and I can't do it

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