Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

Here at CAAM, we had to pack up our offices last week since the State was putting down new carpet. I had fifteen boxes of STUFF now that got packed up with the assortment of papers, etc. This is not bad considering some people had 20,30,100. 136 boxes. When I came in today, lots of hustle was going on to get all the stuff out of the boxes and back in place. That's good. Bravo. As for me, I know whatever is in the boxes is stuff I will never see again. It will sit in those 15 boxes until the boxes turn to dust. When I torn down my studio and built my little cottage, I put everything from the studio into boxes and put the boxes in my basement. There they sit and that was ten years ago. One day I'll clean out the basement and throw stuff away --or so I have been saying welll --for the last ten years. I am wondering if somewhere deep, hidden is there a hoarder gene in Ruth Adkins Robinson

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