Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I suppose you could call it adding insult to injury, but then I wasn't hurt anywhere but my ego when the little asshold grabbed my iPhone and shoved me. The hurt came when I called to report it, got the service turned off and then talked to the insurance.  Yes, I had coverage.  But here's the insult. I paid a grip for the phone when I got it and now I have to pay 199USD to get a replacement. Isn't there something wrong with that picture?  Of course, I will pay since I have been completely seduced by my iPhone 4S. Darling Siri looks up stuff for me, does email when I talk, takes memos, finds whoever I am looking for and actually is quite clever. When asked  did she know Jesus by my granddaughter, she said, "I am not programmed to discuss religion."  Would that were the answer given by too many people ready to discuss religion at the drop of anything, It's all very unnerving for Ruth Adkins Robinson

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