Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Invisible Me

Yesterday I was sitting with a publicist who believes she can do great things to brand me and make me more visible. The trick here is that I don't want to be visible. A long time ago, I think about the time Ray and I were running through hotel lobbies, I realized that I didn't want people to be able to recognize me on sight. Ray couldn't get anywhere for people rushing up to him to ask for his autograph. Too often, I would snap, "Please, He doesn't sign autographs." Of course not, he was blind, but that seemed impossible for so many people to believe. In fact, there are 'official autographs' of Ray Charles for sale on eBay, which are sooo not official. I think Joe Adams used to sign things and send them off. But I'm wandering. I know there are many people who seek the limelight, but not me. I just basically want to write and be left alone so I'm decling the notion to get branded. I'm the invisible Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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