Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh My Gobble, Gobble

Ok, so when was the last time you ate stuffing/dressing or whatever you personally call it? I think the last time for me was last Christmas. Why is that? I like stuffing, but I never prepare it. I suppose that would be because I eat enough of it between Turkey Day and Dec. 25 that I use up my stuffing allocation for the year. We have a big family so the last of the left-overs are gone except for one lone bowl of dressing, with the mushrooms and chili peppers sitting there waiting. Ok, so I did it and now I have made my usual vow of going on a diet tomorrow. I had this thought that if I could lose one-eighth of a pound for every time I have vowed to go on a diet tomorrow, I would be anorexic. So here I sit the stuffed with stuffing Ruth Adkins Robinson.

1 comment:

  1. hello cousin havent got to hear from you in awhile hope all is well if you have a facebook alot of your family like cousins are on there love you cuz
