Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I Don't Like Ellen de Generis

I guess I got on this subject because of the New York decision to uphold gay marriage --which I completely endorse. Some comic said they deserve to be as unhappy as the rest of us. By now, anybody who reads this knows I don't believe in marriage, but I believe you should have the right to chose. Talking about this today, I snarled when somebody brought up Ellen's unsuccessful marriage. They wondered why I don't like Ellen. Simple. I don't not like Ellen because she is a lesbian, I don't like her because she trampled on writers like me back during our useless strike. She never missed a show, just kicked the writers under the bus. Before that, I watched her ever day. I will never watch her again. See, I believe that people who face prejudice every day for anything, ought to feel a little more empathy for a cause. It's funny I have a girl friend who came out ten years after we all knew she was a lesbian. She was my dearest friend and I valued her, but to my shock and dismay, her new mate turned out to be racist. A bigoted lesbian is an oxymoron if I ever heard of it. Celebrations all around today for the gay and lesbian friends of Ruth Adkins Robinson

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