Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Judge, I couldn't Help Myself

I had to drive an hour from my house to the Malibu Courthouse for an arraignment after receiving a notice that I owed 900.00 to the city of Los Angeles. Horrified, I decided I had to go fight this since I am innocent, well sort of. I'd been pulled over by the Highway Patrol last October who told me I had no license tags.  I pulled out my registration and said "I do so"  According to her, someone had stolen my tags and I had to replace them. I was outraged. I had to pay more money for what I had already paid? Sucks. Anyway, I drove to Malibu rehearsing what I was going to say to the Judge, once there.  I got there on time, but had to sit through a dozen cases, since my name begins with "R". When the bailiff called one person and the judge asked how did he plead, he said guilty. The Judge said you are charged with going 91mph in a 65 mph zone. :What Happened?" The guy said "Judge I couldn't help myself. " explaining that he had been wanting this certain car since he was 16 and now that he had it, he just had to drive it fast."  What kind of car?  A Corvette. Everybody in the courtroom laughed and the judge sort of smiled to himself.  I understand.The Corvette is a magic car, built in my homestate of Kentucky. I have a childhood friend named Phil Hibbs who collects and shows Corvettes.  He has so many trophies, he could build another house just for them.  Then the Judge dismissed the charges against the driver with instructions on where to go to drive fast in it. So, the moment was past and I was still terrified and what was going to happen when my name was called. It came and the judge smiled at me and dismissed the ticket charges against Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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