Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Triumphant Life

After a nightmarish childhood, My adult life has been glorious and a triumphant gift.  I have been to a hundred countries visited every continent at least once or twice, danced with kings, dined with presidents been recognized and rewarded for my work, earned a shameful amount of money for writing 22 minutes of television and written over 200 hours of TV.   I have filmed under the Arc d’ Triomph, been in dozens of museums around the world including Napoleon’s Museum in Paris, shopped in Cairo’s Souk and along Tokyo’s Ginza,  rode camels and elephants, stood in the shadow of the great Pyramids of Giza, felt at home riding the Bulllet Train all over Japan and slow-poke trains all over Europe and the US. I’ve lived on two Caribbean Islands. Was loved by the Genius for 28 years and my other musician soul mate for 35, been thrilled with the exploits of my children who constantly amaze me with their gifts, beauty and generosity. I treasure my Buddhism, shakabuku’d  me by Herbie Hancock.  There are many miles, many sites and many sights left to go before my loved ones take my ashes on the road between Nice and Cannes and let go free the remains of Ruth Adkins Robinson.
my family at my museum

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