Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Money, Coin, Ducats, Dollars?

Life is Funny, so they say

Well, it's true. But reality is very different that such platitudes. Life for everybody was  difficult in 2012. The people I know WITH money are hurting. People like me -- ugh. I like to say that I wish I had the money I had in 2011 when I said I was broke. But hanging onto my beliefs that this year we are in right now is the Magic Year for me, the phone keeps ringing with offers. Yesterday alone, I spoke to Tokyo, South Africa, Miami, New York and the Valley. Today I got another call from New York that is job related. So it looks like I will be flying all over the globe as in the golden, olden days, writing at warp speed (thank goodness for my Hollywood Reporter training that required a front page story every day by 3 o'clock, drunk or not). I have been to all these places before, except South Africa and I can't wait to go again and for the first time. The last time I was scheduled to go to South Africa, I was in an automobile accident by LAX. So happy to get another Ruth Adkins Robinson

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