Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

2009 -- what it meant to me and mine

There's no real way to explain why such a feeling of happy expectation has taken over me as I press my face against the window of tomorrow. I decided to think of happy moments for this year past. I started off the year writing the Commander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball, held at the Building Museum where the brand, spanking new President seemed dusted with moonbeams as he walked in to stand on the Presidential Seal and talk to the troops in Afghanistan. I cried and felt glorious, part of history. When my angel Nicole went to South African to hold the AIDS babies in her embrace and return home to decide that as the missionary she is her mission is to get water to the world's children. She has established WOW, Wells of Worship to get that done. My daughter got her first "A" in a major final in culinary school!!! My grandson becoming my coach and helping me with my fight against illness; Cecelia intently working her massage magic on my swollen hands and feet. Watching Annie with Nevaeh, patient, serious --a perfect mother. Listening to my friends cooking up some scheme du jour==for us to kick dust up is fun, fun. Kamili Sams working her docudrama on those impossible bank folks and yanking my loan mod through the mess that banks like to make. Charles Dickson's amazing art, Brenda Tyson's never flagging spirits and skill, Charmaine Jefferson's brilliance; Cheryl racing around with her new doggy Faith, getting rid of some old baggage and embracing some new makes me think 2010 will be the best year ever. Happy New Year, my friends and my enemies.

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