Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who Are These People

My old high school friends Janice and Bill Schroelucke sent me our high school yearbook as a terrific Christmas present. I didn't remember any of the girls at all, just a lot of the boys because I was in all boys classes --architectural and mechanical drawing, etc. In an earlier phone convo with Janice, she had suggested that I didn't remember any of the girls since I was heading away from KY asap and they just weren't on my radar. That's true. I always thought I was a nerdy girl, brainy teacher's pet material, but Janice said mostly the girls were jealous of me because I seemed so independent and definitely not husband shopping like so Wow perception is a bitch. But I looked through it hoping to find a face familiar, hmmm, but my memory seemed so clouded. Of course, I did get a good laugh at myself. Funny thing about habits, you don't really know when they started to become habits. But I have one that is funny for a girl who has spent a lifetime being as much of a hermit as being part of the media would allow. I so do not like photos snapped of me. That's why you see me deep in conversation with someone when a photo is taken. Apparently I was always like that, even at 14. I had joined some of the clubs --Latin Clubs, Gamma Sigma, Jr. and Sr. Council and more, but no where were there any pictures of me in any of those lined up-stare straight ahead snapshots. I was not in one picture, except for the mandatory black sweater and pearls number. My oldest friend whom I have known since I was five years old, that dashing Phil Hibbs has always sworn I never smiled. He was right on the money in my senior pix. There I am, not a smile in sight..looking out into the future that never thought it would find me here in Hollywood, sitting backstage and smiling.

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