Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Brainiac Friend Slapped My Emotional Wrist

One of my smarter friends who lives in Norway, but is an American, wrote: "If I can offer one word of advice, you have to stop loving (or hating) politicians, or judging them based on their personalities. Politicians should be judged by what they do and what they achieve, and whom they serve, not by their personal histories, or their like-ability, or skill at mesmerizing us with dazzling speeches. If American politics is reduced to Republicans fawning over people like themselves, Bush and Palin, for example, while Democrats become ecstatic over "you get 'em girl" Clinton or the inspirational African-American Obama, then the vast majority of this country is going to experience a very bleak future. All of these politicians are personally driven by their own will to power, putting their own political futures above any considerations of what is right for Americans. (Well, Bush may have actually believed in what he was doing as deluded as it was.) In particular, Clinton and Obama, as with so many of their fellow elected Democrats, are complete tools of the powers-that-be, especially what Eisenhower quaintly called "the military-industrial complex" and corporate America in general. The current administration has only continued America's slide into plutocracy (and even worse, the police state).
I am wrong? It is my fault that you are struggling to keep your household afloat, while Wall Street bankers are earning larger bonuses than ever after they just brought the global economy to its knees. Just look at Obama's appointees - Geithner, Summers, Bernanke. Why not appoint Cheney as a good-will ambassador?
Oh my, dear Bruce, you've just made Ruth Lavida Adkins-Robinson's head hurt.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't mean to make your head hurt.

    The truth will set you free.
