Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, January 22, 2010

What Weather?

I watch the BBC's "Cash in the Attic" every time it's on and recently watched a woman who was selling off her stuff in London so she could return home to Australia after 20 or 30 years. The reason she was leaving was given as some kind of disorder caused by the winter weather. She fell into a funk from lack of sun and just couldn't stand it as she got older. My first reaction was how silly that seemed, but then I realized where I've lived my entire life has been regulated by the weather. When you are young and fearless, you ordinarily don't give much thought to the weather, but when I was deciding which direction to head in when I ran away from Kentucky, Southern California was very appealing for what it didn't have --Kentucky weather. It's dead in the center of the Ohio River Valley and has one of the highest pollen counts in the world. So imagine trying to breath in the stinking humidity and having to suck up pollen too. I wanted to get out of that weather and came here. I love this weather. Every time I think I could live somewhere else--which is frequently, I realize the weather holds me here. I did move to St. Thomas on the Fortuna end of the Island. That was one of my stupidest impulses ever. There I got to try to manage the heat, humidity, bugs and hurricanes. So I moved to San Juan living on the ocean front in a high rise on Avenida Ashford. The humidity followed me there and combined with the robbers who stole everything including the frozen food in the fridge drove me back to Los Angeles, where the sun was shining and I wasn't sweating. Then the weather in LA betrayed us all this week. Today I found myself weepy and depressed because of the endless rain, storms, hail, thunder and lightening. I'm weather-spoiled Ruth Lavida Adkins Robinson

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