Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, March 19, 2010

Me and My Royalties

When my old friend Sigidi posted up the lyrics to my song "MS" on FaceBook, it brought back some memories--good and bad. I worked very hard on David Oliver's albums, writing most of the songs with him, including "MS." and "Friends and Strangers" later a hit for the wonderful Ronnie Laws. Nice to see the lyrics, sad to think that i have never, ever been paid a penny for my publishing or writing royalties because David died and the music is in the hands of two very shady people, Martin Cohen (known as Mutt for obvious reasons) and Wayne Henderson of Crusaders fame. When all this went down in 1977, I was just a kid with no power and no connections, although I written some songs with Ray Charles a few years earlier. So, the two guys laughed at me and I thought there were two things for me to do --get a gun and blow the bastards to the hell they deserve or just stop writing songs for the rest of my life. I chose to stop writing music and moved into writing things I could control. The bottom line here is that for the next 30 odd years those nasty men have no doubt enjoyed spending the money that was mine (and David's) I wonder if there is anyone with any suggestions on how royalties could get in the hands and bank of Ruth Adkins Robinson

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