Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Save Me From Amateurs

Do I have a target painted on my forehead? Or my backend? I must. It must say, all amateurs who want to get in show business, hit this idiot right here. And that blow must trigger an automatic response from me. Sure, let me open up my head full of knowledge, my mouth full of advice, the whole kit bag of experience gained over the past thousand years. Let me take my time in the trenches, the all night 'get the magazine out marathons,' the rat infested backstages and other delights and give it to them for free. I get stuck, suckered by the seemingly innocent person who just wants a word or two of guidance. I know how hard it is to get started, I do. Nobody much wanted to give me a hand and I've tried to ease that for a whole lot of people. This most recent experience has cured me, though and now I'm done carrying people up the mountain on my back. So take note, if you know anybody at all who thinks they can write for print, produce a hit series, write a million selling song, be the editor in chief of something--all things I know how to do in the dark.....please tell them you don't know anybody named Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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