Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mo'Nique Talking Hard

It's funny how, er, stars line up. Back in 2002, eight years ago or so, I was writing and producing a show called "Oscar's Black Odyssey: From Hattie to Halle," and I asked Mo'Nique to come and be interviewed about what Oscar means, who has won the Golden Man, who hasn't, why they haven't, who should have at least been nominated and who has not. And while nobody in their wildest dreams ever thought she was going to ever get an Oscar worthy role (yeah, I don't care what she said in all those interviews, she didn't think it back then anyway). She had something to say which I found really interesting and she made it into the final cut. So tonight I'm going to look at the show and read the transcript of the interview and see if she was lining up the stars way back when. Stay tuned. This fascinates Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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