Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Whatcha' Drinkin'

I got my nice red water bottle and filled it with water from my Britta filter; then I got my nice silver water bottle and filled it with water from the reverse osmosis pump attached to my kitchen sink. Each day, I try to figure out which one of them tastes better than the bottled water I have forsaken in the wake of reading that to get one bottle of er, bottled water, it's necessary to burn, churn, fire up three liters of nasty old ordinary water and that takes a lot of oil. Ok. A used to be friend of mine once told me that George Bush (the ugly) and Dick Cheney (the criminal mind) were running around South America buying up water and that was a long time ago. She is a real greenie so I sort of didn't really pay any attention to her, but maybe it's past time that we all should be paying better attention. Check this out: More people die from polluted water every year than from all forms of violence, including war, the U.N. said in a report Monday that highlights the need for clean drinking water. The report, that came out yesterday to coincide with World Water Day, said an estimated 2 billion tons of waste water — including fertilizer run-off, sewage and industrial waste — is being discharged daily. That waste fuels the spread of disease and damages ecosystems. The report is called "Sick Water" and to say that it makes me sick to read about it is an understatement. 3.7 percent of all deaths are attributed to water-related diseases, translating into millions of deaths. More than half of the world's hospital beds are filled by people suffering from water-related illnesses, it said. So I'm asking, whatcha' drinkin? And more importantly, does what you are drinking have water in it? Where did that water come from? I know one person who is not trying to be contaminated and that's Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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