Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, September 25, 2009

Am I Islamophobic

When I heard about the planned prayer by Muslims in Washington, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. George W. Bush is the president who began hosting a Ramadan iftar, which is the meal that breaks the daily fast during Ramadan, but the stupid Rethuglicans don't care about that fact, they just want to crucify President Obama as a Muslim. This year the anniversary of 9/11 came just before the end of Ramadan, which was marked by a commemorative stamp and an iftar dinner at the White House. That whipped the haters into a fury, prompted all kinds of viral e-mails and blog postings critical of Muslims and Islam. I am mystified by Muslims. I have problems with the horrific treatment of women. I understand, however, why they hate us and want us out of their country. I don't like it that the nightly news is peppered with some new bomb threats and yet another bearded terrorist with the name Hussein arrested --all Muslim radicals wanting to kill us all. Not only do they want us out of their country, they want us dead in our country. I want them to just go home. When I was typing this, I was trying to remember if I had any Middle Eastern friends. I have always had followers of Elijah Muhammad as friends. Yet so help me, I am guilty of racial profiling I think. What do I do about this?

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