Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Faith followed Annie Home

The little black Pom mix followed Antoinette home from church, two miles, lots of stop lights and some serious traffic and Annie was sure she give up, but the little dog kept coming, right up to and through the gate. Knowing I never wanted a dog in the house, Antoinette got the beautiful young Cecelia to come and beg me to let the dog stay. "Lemme see the dog."They brought the dog. Ok, she looked up at me with those big brown eyes and I was done. So I said she could stay--for a while. The first thing the dog did was sit as close to me as she could without sitting on me, she followed me from room to room. Ever the one to let my imagination build a story, I decided that the dog had been the beloved pet of some lady who had died because the dog never wanted to let me out of her sight--ever. She barked when I left the house. Now the problem in my house is that nobody here is a dog fancier. These people love cats and of course we have a couple of those. I don't like them either, but what can you do. So my dilemma now is that the Twins have their own apt., Cecelia and Elijah are now all day at school and Larriann is over at chef's college learning to stuff, chop, and all the other things that they must do. I am gone from morning to night and the dog is lonely. So I ask my old, dear friend Cheryl Dickerson who is 100 percent a dog lover if she wants to adopt Faith Banks. She said she'd audition the dog for a week to see if the two of them and her other puppy liked each other. When I told my family, they were all huffy puffy wanting to know how could I give the dog away. My reply was the dog needs attention, which she can't get here. So I pack up the food, the leash, the brush, the dog perfume and off to Sherman Oaks I go, Faith curled up in the back of the car--practically grinning at getting to go for a ride and sticking her head out the window. Cheryl thinks the dog is cute and tries to be friendly. But Faith, knowing something is in the wind isn't having it. She is looking at me like, what are you doing. I decide to leave, sneakng away like a thief in the night and when I call Cheryl 15 minutes later, she tells me Faith has been sitting by the front door, barking ever since I left. I'm not sure how this audition is going to work out at all. Holding my breath, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson

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