Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who Is a Liar?

Richard Nixon lied to everybody alive, including himself for several years before he fled the White House in disgrace. Nobody ever screeched at him in Congress. My boy Bill lied and as vindictive as the ReThuglians and Ken Starr were to him, nobody was screaming at him in Congress either. This oinker from South Carolina would never have screamed at the two white Presidents you can bet. But clearly Joe Wilson thinks it's ok to insult the black President, I guess because he's still reeling that a black man is now the most powerful man in the world. I'm sure his hillbilly butt can't stand it. After all, he disrespected the man and the office without any thought they just might haul his sorry self out of the building. These are the peole they address as "Distinguished Gentlemen." Well, maybe Joe doesn't really fit that tag. Think I'm kidding about this? This racist hillbilly voted against removing the Confederate Flag from being displayed over the state house. Why would I doubt that he has black friends back home in South Carolina. What happened to Wilson in the wake of his bad behavior? Jerk gets off with a little bitty slap on the wrist. Ok, so big deal, the House has voted to admonish Wilson over his "You lie" outburst to President Barack Obama during the President's health care speech to Congress last week, but it doesn't begin to do enough. Wilson is the liar here. He's a liar to all the people who voted for him in his state who could use some help with their health care situation. Like all the criminal deeds done by the Republicans of late, this will have no traction, nothing will really happen to Wilson as a result of this, but we can all hope that when he gets back to his natural redneck environment, somebody just kicks his ass on G. P. I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson, happy to be a Democrat.

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