Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mary Adaline Hall

Today was surreal and strange. I was contacted on by someone asking me if I was the daughter of Ruth Burns whose father was William James Burns. Yes, that is true, I offered. She came back with much information about the side of my family that has been secret to me, hidden from me. I spend many years searching for my elusive wisp of a mother. There were many hours spent in dark rooms, pouring through stacks of microfische and microfilm and rusty, dusty old documents. Couldn't find her in any dimension. I found her birth certificate and her death certificate on the same horrible day, but that was all, not much info on them. So Ruth Lavida Burns remains a stick figure, no depth, no info. But my new cousin told me she has lots of information and the first thing I asked her was my grandmother's name. Her name was Mary Adaline Hall. It takes my breath away to type it. Who was she? What did she look like, who were her people. It all ties into my search to know who I am and where I'm from. I'm the searcher Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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