Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Too Much for the Private Ruth

Ok, at the urging of all the people who want me to write a book, I opened up a little on here. That was not easy for someone as private and hermitlike as I am, but so many of my pals said oh yes, the way you write....and the wonderful and horrible things that have happened to you why that would make juicy reading we bet. It's just not gonna happen. Too much feedback from the one blog entry, which I confess I started to see how my life would look in print. So I've decided the rest of my secrets will disappear into dust. Over here in Los Angeles, keeping my own counsel, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson.

1 comment:

  1. Marieda "Pete" Parrish MatthewsNovember 29, 2009 at 11:40 AM

    Hi, Ruth! I am sorry you have deceided to stop writing on the blog as I have throughly enjoyed reading about your adventures and found them very interesting and enlightening.I have throughly enjoyed living vicariously with you on your travels,and, loving your warm and natural style, would like a list of previous books.
    Thanks, Marieda "Pete" Parrish Matthews

    tt was wonderful to live vicariously along with you and your travels. I did not know you had written other books and would like a list of them as I love your warm and natural style and am an avid reader.
