Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Secret Park

When Antoinette told me she was having the baby's birthday party at Kenneth Hahn Park, I said why? I had never been to the park but when we went up there today, I fell in love with the place. Can't say I like the $6 parking fee, but I was already computing how much it would cost to go there and walk the 'health trails' every day. Then I discovered those fees are only for weekends and holidays, so if you are looking for me in the daytime during the week, you might just find me at the amazing park, zipping (well, sort of) through the health trails. The baby's party today was lovely. I've decided I like Evan, I'm ever more enamored with Nakia, the Twins have some terrific friends, beautiful, nice young ladies. I walked the trail today so I'm feeling fit Ruth Adkins Robinson

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