Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, June 5, 2009

Art Inside Your Head

The reception tonight for "Inside My Head" Intuitive Artists of African Descent was a big success. The 32 artists were so thrilled to be exhibited at CAAM. They are so deserving. There are artists that I collect and artists I can't afford. Toni Scott's masterful bust from carrera marble is a major piece, but I can't muster its $50,000 price tag. I am especially crazy about Charles Dickson who has a work in acrylic that sits in the corner of Bill and June Pajuad's house that I'd pay anything for, but it's not for sale. I'm gonna get me a piece by Dickson, you watch.
It's been a great day and I'm due in edit at 10 in the morning... so i'm out. --Ruth Adkins Robinson

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