Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, June 5, 2009

Flying and Scavenger Hunts

A facebook friend asked me how many times I've been around the world after looking at one of those little surveys on fb and noting I'd been to 100 cities or so. When I said, "a couple of times would be my guess," he said 'what did you like most about it?" The answer used to be flying there. Back in the day, there was nothing like First Class air travel. PanAm was great.. MGM Grand Air with the sleeper beds and Regent Air were incredible. When I flew Virgin Atlantic's Upper Class the first time, I became a fan. So I was on the first flight of Virgin America from LAX to NYC. And I've flown their FC at every opportunity.but coming back from the Inauguration, I couldn't get a FC seat and had to endure being scrunched in between two rather large men, even though I paid an extra $100 for extra room. I'm still looking for the 'extra,' and I had said I'm not flying them again until I figure out a way to get FC. Except now, those cheeky devils have figured out a way to get me back up in a seat. They are having a scavenger hunt on the WiFi in the air!! I love scavenger hunts. Actually I think to be done properly, they should come with an English roadster, a manor house and Jeeves or another of his compatriots. But looks like there's an outburst of the things, many taking place at museums. Odd, but fun perhaps. Quite often I win at scavenger hunts, although I'm not sure what skill set you need to that. Powers of observations and agressiveness, perhaps. Ok, I qualify. Tomorrow it's off to edit early, so I'm off again. -- Ruth Adkins Robinson

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