Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, June 6, 2009

soft, fluffy shoes and scarves for the edit bay

I love the Edit Bay.  Maybe it's the smell of the machines all buzzing or the stacks of dvds waiting to be dealt with or just the magic of knowing in a minute or two, creating will begin. Before that though, I have to get comfortable.  Everybody who knows me knows I carry a huge bag with the kitchen sink in it. Today it's scripts, copies of photographs, two Pashmina scarves and some soft, fluffy shoes.  I have to have soft shoes on my feet while I work, call it a fetish if you like.  I have shoes for every purpose, believing the one thing you can never have too much of is shoes. I do pull the plug at 200 pairs and ship some of them off to where women trying to get back in the work force can better use them.  There are some that stay with me, go with me and one such is my pair of edit shoes.  Now while my editor Ignacio Genzon is rendering, I can jump on the couch, wrap me up in a Pashmina and snooze until he finishes.  We've been working since first light (well first light for me anyway) and have made great progress.  Two, 2 1/2 minute videos are rounding the bend for home. One is called "The Road to Tuskegee" and the other is "One Woman's Journey."  These and three other videos are part of my work on the upcoming CAAM exhibit: "Tuskegee: Journey to Flight."  It opens on June 18 and I swear, I really swear all the videos will be finished by 10AM on the 18th.  I always make my deadlines.--Ruth Adkins Robinson

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