Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Why is all that rotten food in my fridge

I do not do well shopping for food, well fresh stuff anyway. It sits in my refrigerator and goes bad. I really don't do well at Farmer's Markets either. I used to go to the Farmer's Market in Hollywood faithfully. Inspired by the promise that all this organically grown food is going to make me healthy, wealthy and wise, I buy and buy and buy. So it sits in my refrigerator and rots and rots and rots. What is that? Why do I do that? There's no famine in my future. I am somewhat narrow in my focus regarding the foods I like to eat regularly, although I will eat just about anything once. Well, not bugs, but most everything else. Well, not rabbits, but most everything else. Ok, dammit, I'm picky.
Besides, aside from my hysterical desire to improve my health, there's not that much choice at the Farmer's Markets other than the endless tablesfull of tomatoes, lettuces, plums, onions, cabbage, sprouts, apples, strawberries and other fruits there are flowers, breads and in some places fish. Then down on the end there is always somebody selling herbs that I always buy and let die before I can transplant them. In the spirit of conservation, I tried planting my own garden. I am doing very well with my tomato plants and my serrano peppers(if they would just produce some produce). I do have three peaches on my dwarf peach tree without one clue as to when I can eat them. But they are pretty. Face it, I am not the stuff of Victory Gardens, I'll just go back to the Farmer's Markets and let stuff rot. -- Ruth Adkins Robinson

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