Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pitch, pitch, pitch until your arms fall off

it was like speed dating for writers. no, not trying to date other writers, just getting producers to want to date your project. So palms sweating, a step away from hypervenilating, my Show and Tell (Cornelius Grant) in tow, in I went. I've never had to pitch, there've always been somebody looking for what and how I write. But I decided I needed to do this and away we went. While other people were muttering about lack of interest, six of the people I pitched my project about "Love, Dissapointment, Music, Race and Friendship" were interested. Incredibly, six out of seven. The day was a blur and I'm trying to sort it all out in my head. How odd to take a script there that I wrote eight years ago and stuck in a drawer because it wasn't good enough and have all this interest. Well, I'm ready for my rewrite.... --Ruth Adkins Robinson

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