Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Check That Email Before You Send It

Check the email before you send it and know what is down in the body of it when you do. You know all the everybodies who have commented on it as it is forwarded to this one and that one. Today, someone sent me just an email with about 20 added entries. One comment wasn't that kind . Nobody seemed to notice. Usually I don't notice, either. Call it self preservation. I don't because some years ago one of the people I'd known forever sent me an email with a truly ugly comment about me contained within it. What was said about me wasn't even true. God knows I have lots of faults and flaws and if one of those had been pointed to and snickered at, well, what can you do. Truth doesn't move. Oddly enough I didn't get mad at the jerk who made the comment. He's one of those snarky little bitches who enjoys being nasty. I got mad at the person who was supposed to be my friend. I simply stopped speaking to her because she never said anything in my defense. She could have. But she didn't. Which is a puzzle to me. Isn't a friend supposed to be a friend when you are there and when you are not? I am a great champion for my friends. But I'm a very confrontational person. Long ago, I tried to understand that everybody is not me. And I wouldn't want them to be, but I do think people should stand in defense of friends. I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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