Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thinking About Bob Jones

When I got back to a computer after a week in the desert, there were hundreds of emails and almost a thousand spam entries. Slipped in the mail I actually read were a few chain letters and they made me think of Bob Jones. After he was uncermoniously fired from the Michael Jackson organization, Bob had a lot of time on his hands and started sending out chain letters. There are few things I hate about the Internet as much as the cyber version of chain letters. They make me crazy, but I was also crazy about Bob, so what I would do instead of sending them on to other people who would hate me for doing so, I'd just send it to myself with a copy to Bob and only Bob. He didn't know what I was doing and it was harmless, didn't hurt anyone. I thought Bob had been hurt enough anyway. I never quite got over the way he was dumped by MJ. Bob loved Michael like a son and had devoted his life to MJ for more than 20 years. Mike never fired anyone personally, so one day, without notice, some thugs delivered a pink slip and took everything with MJ's name on it out of Bob's house. Bob could have really told the dirt in a book, because he was the only one around without a confidentially agreement. I think he might have wanted to, I think he might have even tried, but he couldn't do it. He'd been protecting Michael for too long, Bob just couldn't hurt him in print. Three weeks ago when I learned of Michael's death was the first time I was glad Bob was no longer around. It would have broken his heart. I'm Bob Jones' friend, Ruth Adkins Robinson

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