Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cut Off From the World

I can't say I didn't have a warning. I did. When I was in Las Vegas, I lost my phone. I couldn't function. And it's not like I do a bunch of things with my phone. I am not on the Internet with it, I rarely text, I just phone. It's not my life. But as it happens, I also had no Internet access because the freaking hotel blew up my baby computer. So I was really screwed. The only savior element is that Elijah had his phone and I was able to talk to my family. I was practically bumping into furniture in my disorientation. What could I do without my phone and Internet? Well shopping seemed a good way to occupy my time and there is that great Fashion Show mall, where between Starbucks, the Oxygen Bar and a couple of massages, I calmed up and down.. Happily, I was only crazy and weepy and cut off from the world for 24hours, I got the little Sony Ericsson that I love so much back. It had been turned into security and I could reach out and touch once again. When you are all agitated, you make these vows If I ever get my phone back, I'll make a copy of my sim card so I won't be nuts again. Did I? What do you think? Of course not. I just started calling all those people who called in the previous 24. . So I came back to Cali and yesterday I was in the bike shop getting this cute little basket on my beach cruiser and must have put the phone down. Whoosh, it was gone in a split second. So here I am, phoneless and miserable again. What do I have to do now? While I wait until AT&T sends me another one, I have to pour over my old phone bills and see if I can guess who you are. So, if you get this strange call from me next week asking you to tell me your name, it's because I have no idea on earth whose number is whose. Take a tip. Dump your numbers off on a thumb drive or somewhere, so you won't sound like a fool trying to regroup. Meanwhile, I'm having it shut down so calls to Russia and Santo Domingo and the like won't end up on my bill. Yearning for my phone, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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