Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, August 14, 2009

Feedback feeds my Head

I've been writing the blog now for about 70 days. I started with it because I took a class that told me this would be a good thing. I had no idea what a GREAT thing it could be. I get to say whatever I feel, think or suspect. There's been some great feedback, and I always appreciate the things said by other writers I love (trust me, that's not a big number). One such is an old friend, the very talented and insightful Steven Ivory. Look at what he said: "I love what you're doing with the blog. I've always loved the matter-of-fact elegance with which you tell a story. I had no idea about Whole Foods. I'd heard a bit about the union thing, but like so many others, I basically bought the Whole Foods post hippie goodness thing. I didn't shop there a lot in the first place, but I'll certainly keep my black ass out of there now. Love you, Steven" What a thrill to have him say that and how amazing to provide information to the informed. Got the big head today, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson

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