Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gotta Stop Micro-managing

Today I did a lot of walking and shooting and sweating. Well I did a lot more sweating than walking or shooting. I had assigned myself the job of second camera on today's shoot because I'm trying to let go of my tendency to micro manage everything. I don't know why other people hover, but for me it's just pure ego. I really do think my ideas are the ideas that work best. Yet today one of my favorite people Maurice James (MoJo Films) was the director and I was letting him insert his ideas for what the production should feel like and look like. I am so amazed that I actually walked away and let him do it. That's a first. I nearly had apoplexy when I was unable to go to New York for one of the "Showtime at the Apollo" re-packs and he went in my place. I was obsessing the entire time he was gone--telephoning him way too much. He's a calm guy, good-natured and let me rant on long distance. He came back with good stuff. When he worked on the Black Music Awards, he was fantastic. In fact that was one of the greatest teams ever. Sean O'Hare, the editor, Simon Fuchs, the post super. We actually slept in rotation on the floor on Sean's air mattress. So maybe it's just a trust factor. Plus, I'm getting smarter as I'm getting older--running and sweating in LA in August. Not too clever. Plus when you've got talented folks, you can ease up. But wait, what am I'm gonna do when it gets to editing. Keep repeating, I'm not obsessing, I'm not obsessing. Uh huh, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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