Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who the freak is on AOL

I was reading the headlines on AOL, where I have been a customer for at least ten years. What have I been thinking?Casually I took a poll, it said Fox presented the news fairly. Huh, what Fox News are they watching? Ok, I took another poll, the results said America had the best health care system in the world. Ok, folks, don't get sick. Then I took another poll that said Obama had done a horrible job so far and a few others that all leaned towards the extreme Right. Ok, these are not the birds of my feather. I lean extremely to the left, the radical left in fact. So it must be time for me to change my service. Did they know who I am when they left me in? On a search for a new place to hang Ruthiewrites. I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson.

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