Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Monday, October 26, 2009

Could Have Been Me & the Loan Mods

When I read in the LA Times that Five people face multiple felony charges in connection with the beating and torture of two loan modification agents, it was one of those "There for the grace of God goes me in handcuffs" moments. Two guys Daniel Weston and Gustavo Canezs were charged with two counts of torture, two counts of false imprisonment by violence and two counts of second-degree robbery in the alleged attacks against Lamond Dean and Luis Garcia. They had a gun and apparently were pretty pissed. It is something that if you go through it might make you crazy enough to whip out the wooden knuckes and beat up on someone--practically anyone just standing around would do. See, I waded through this process of trying to get a loan modification for NINE months. I don't know if Dean and Garcia were at one of those companies that promise to get you a loan mod and just keep taking more money from you--a growing business opportunity in this depressed housing market. But I know I would have screamed obscenities through the phone at the mortgage holders, so I had a go-between as well. What she had to go through and what I had to go through to satisfy their every request was unbelievable. They looked so hard down my shirt and up my skirt I told my agent they might as well squeeze something while they were at it. At the end of all that pain and suffering, I got my loan modification thanks to the patience and hard work of my agent, that miracle worker. I feel sorry for the people who weren't so lucky and hope somebody does something about making the banks more responsible to homeowners. I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson, curled up in my house and happy

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