Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who Am I

I was ego surfing just now and found a listing on a site I have no memory of ever joining. I described myself: I am a workaholic, loving to see my words come to life on the page or on the screen. I am the matriarch of my family; Genealogy fascinates me. I'm a collector of military challenge coins, English bone china, fine watches, US Navy stuff; I'm a museum curator and a Motown expert. So a word about one of my hobbies: genealogy. About ten years ago, I was trying to track down that mystery, my mother, Ruth Lavida, and while I was not able to do that, I found my father's side of the family all the way back to Ulrich Kessler, who arrived in the US in 1795 on a ship called the "Sandwich" which sailed from Switzerland to PA. Where did I find this? In the basement at the Mormon Church out on Santa Monica, where the angel Moroni is standing on the top of the building, pointing East. There they have every kind of document imaginable. I found eight generations of the white part of my father's line, but nothing else. I took a break from looking recently. Maybe I'll just do the DNA test. Who knows who Ruth Adkins Robinson really is? Why does it seem to be so important to so many?

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