Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dusting Off Scripts

Fifteen years ago, I got into an Internet romance with a lawyer who was a former sailor, former SeaBee who became a Navy JAG and later switched services and became an Army JAG because there was no Naval installation on St. Thomas where Bill had found the place he wanted to live. Good for Bill, hell on earth for me. I knew as soon as I got to St. Thomas that this was not the place for me, no matter how much I liked the brainy Col. Glasser. I don't like the tropics, I actually like museums and libraries and concrete streets. But one great thing to come out of my Caribbean adventure was an idea for a TV show called, er, JAG because Bill was one of the JAGs who was part of the team of men involved the true case that "A Few Good Men" was based on. But there is that thing about ideas floating around out there in the ether, more than one person hears it, feels it, does something about it. Bellasarius did his thing and my script got tossed into a drawer. Thing is, I found the old script for my JAG in a pile of other scripts and have decided to dust it off and see what I can lift from my original plot. Then I'm gonna do that with every other script I found in that pile until I find one that works somewhere. On the hunt, I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson

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