Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Monday, July 13, 2009

I hate Sarah Palin

Last night I had a very spirited exchange with a man friend of mine. We had a verbal knockdown over his Republican friends--the genesis of which was his observation that he understood why there were a lot of people who liked Sarah Palin. Ok, so nevermind that a woman-centric person like me just gets incensed at anyone thinking that that trashy, undereducated twit is the best woman we have to offer. I am just mystified anyone could think she is good for this country and anyone who does has to be a Republican numbnut. Ouch, things ramped up a little. He told me one of his boys got up and walked out of a speech then-Senator Obama was making. Wait, I know this guy--he's one of Those People?? Is he an idiot? Oh I went on-- Bush was the Axis of Evil all by his "spoiled brat, I'm so entitled self"; that Karl Rove was Beelzebub and Cheney was the Prince of Darkness!!! No, he thought his friend didn't even blame Bush and Co for the economy. Ok, by this time, I'm hissing that Bush and His War were to blame for a whole host of problems like hatred of America by much of the rest of the world, the fact that I don't have any money right now, etc. etc. I got so hysterical that I even declared that all Black Republicans should burn in Hell with Bush and his boys, starting with Condi Rice who didn't know as much about sub Saharan Africa as she did about white Europe and as a military thinker Colin Powell should have known better than Bush's WMD fable, and for my money really did know better but followed the Party Line. After he burst out in laughter my honey said I'm the reason that California is crippled. ME?? Well not me exactly, but all the people who demonize the people in the party that they are not....and since I am the most liberal of all of his friends, have I lost my perspective? Maybe I have. Maybe I lost it with my retirement money, disappearing dough, closed schools, snatched away benefits for the elderly, etc. Anyway, I like this guy, so I calmed down some and tried to get back to the place we were before I was standing up in the middle of my bedroom, ranting and waving my fists in the air. But look, really, if I can't actually hate all republicans, what's the harm in totally hating Stupid Sarah? I'm Ruth Adkins Robinson, just asking.

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