Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael No More

Seated with Tony Jones who was involved in the early J 5's career, next to a couple of the Gordy kids, in front of Freddie DeMann, on the same row as Minister Farakhan, the Staples Center was a true reflection of MJ's broad appeal. It was also silent as the tomb. None of the usual chatter, no glad-handing- people were just waiting for Michael's arrival, for the gold plated coffin to be rolled out and the family to take their place on the front row. Thankfully, I was back a few rows so the taller heads blocked the casket when it was finally in place. I actually got the feeling that it was empty--a stand in coffin you might say. Call it wishful thinking I guess-- I hoped his sweet self was already buried and not being drug from place to place to place. As for the ceremony itself, it was dignified and emotional and appropriate. Highlights? Jennifer Hudson's vocal power, Brooke Shield's genuine memories, Stevie's obvious distress, my friend the Rev Sharpton's fire and Martin Luther King's daughter Bernice's speaking skill. Usher was just plain pitiful yeah-the Congresswoman's too-long ramble. An observation-- I don't mind religious-speak, but I thought there was way too much of it that didn't take into consideration--Michael's own religous leanings. My most emotional response came during one of the videos where he just stood there arms raised, breathing deep, basking in adoration. I was struck by the knowledge that his breath was stopped forever. I couldn't swallow when the baby spoke of loving her Daddy. I did not cry until when walking out, Candace Bond grabbed my hand. She was trembling. Soon, so was I. If you say the words "Michael Jackson is dead" outloud to yourself, say Michael is No More-- it still doesn't make sense to Ruth Adkins Robinson

1 comment:

  1. Even through the cold glass of my television, I was effected. He will be missed.
