Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Googling Myself

Today I decided to do a little ego surfing and see if I googled myself what would happen? The first thing that popped up said 1 - 10 of 36,000 entries. Ok, that's crazy--how could I have thousands of entries? There aren't any other Ruth Adkins Robinsons, are there? I started going through them. Sure, there's the normal stuff. I always get "Motown 25" and all the other Motowns that I wrote on or consulted to, so that wasn't surprising, but a closer examination reveals practically everything I ever posted on a public site pops up--geneology, all the social networking sites and uh oh, there are the complaints I made to various and sundry. It's kinda interesting what made me crazy in 2002! It does make me think I ought to post some of this stuff under Ruthiewrongs, instead of Ruthiewrites ....--Ruth Adkins Robinson

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