Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Twins, Twins, Twins

There are lots of myths, legends and superstitutions around multiple children like-- Multiples come through the mother's bloodline. Twins skip a generation. There are many kinds of twins, idential, mirror, fraternal and their birth has many meanings. Our twins are Antoinette Ruth and Nicole Renee and watching them grow was endlessly fascinating. When they slept, if one had one arm up facing her face, so would the other, if one turned over, within seconds the other would also. Like in the myths, they did have a twin language and interestingly they still resort to it today if they need to say something better unheard by others. When they were put in different classrooms in third grade, Nicole would leave her room and go stand in the doorway of Antoinette's just to make sure her twin was there. As they grew, they got high school jobs, one store apart near the Hollywood High Performing Arts Magnet where they were stars. One day an African man approached us and spoke at length about how Twins were a special blessing on us and told Nicole that as second born, she was actually the oldest because she sent her sister out to take a look to see what the world was all about. When Nicole went to the land of that myth two weeks ago, it was the first time they've been apart for more than a day or two. Left handed mirror twin Antoinette is the serious and in control Twin and she might not have cried while her sister was gone, (If so, she'd never say so) but she can't stop smiling at the prospect of seeing Nicole tomorrow. The rest of us were crying at the drop of a hat, fearful and goofy over our girl being gone so far away. These beautiful, brilliant, interesting young women endlessly fascinate me. I know there are many trips and adventures for them in the future. Meanwhile, I'll grab the chance to sit and look at them as often as I can because I'm their Grandmere Ruth Adkins Robinson

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