Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nicole and the African babies

In the photo here: evangelist/missionary Nicole R. Banks and the babies in Africa where she has been for ten days. Most of the children are smiling because being with Nikki is a joyous experience even if you have only summer clothes in the dead of winter and not much in the way of shoes on your feet. Nicole said "Three of the kids in the pic have aids. We were in a tent for service. Taught the kids vbs and a dance, made balloons and painted faces. The youngest in the pic didn't have on a diaper so went to buy some pampers. All of those children were saved as a result of the lesson. I look exhausted in that pic and have big bags under my eyes but my heart was rejoicing. We fed 1300 that day and provided medicine . Funny joke the young adults were trying to teach me afrikaans. Lol I said teach me and she kissed me. She thought I told her to kiss me lol." How many of you readers would pull away from being kissed in this situation? Some of us labor in the field of entertainment, others, like my baby twin in greater places. My friend Makeda Smith of Jazzmyne PR has known Larriann's children since they were tiny and wanted to do something in support of Nicole and Youth on a Mission. Makeda spoke to her client Leon Jones the painter. Now his painting of Michael Jackson and Liz Taylor, due to be auctioned off at the Julien Gallery in NYC in November, will donate 10% of the proceeds to West A Children's Department (where Nicole works) and Youth on a Mission and the young people called to do God's work. The opening bid for the painting is expected at $30,000. This painter is the man who painted MJ's train station murals at Neverland and many other outstanding works. He's been talking about the great work of Nikki and her colleagues all over radio and tv. Thanks, Makeda. Very emotionally, I salute Nicole R. Banks--I'm Rutb Adkins Robinson

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