Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh Canada

I just sent my sitcom to the Canadians who are interested this project and I'm sitting here in the quiet time before dawn edges in wondering if a move to Canada is in my future? I have talked about loving Canada for such a long time and the idea of living there and working there gives me that secret little thrill. People like me who eat wanderlust for breakfast never get too old to take on one more locale, one more country. Recently a dear friend of mine confessed she wishes she had taken the chances she was given to travel long ago, like I did. I am forever grateful to all the people who lured me to all the fabulous, exotic and new places over the last 30 years. My favorites? Always France, always. But England and Egypt too and oh please, let Canada be next!

1 comment:

  1. Do it! L.A. will be here, and if you don't like Canada, you can come back.
