Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Friday, July 31, 2009

Opening Lines

I often get into conversations with people who want me to write their book for them. We talk. I always make a point of saying they have to swear to tell the truth. Everybody swears they want their truth out there. Ok. We go to contracts. We often get advances based on a proposal. Then, when it gets right down to the nitty gritty, the brakes come out. Everything gets stopped. This has happened enough times that I decided I was done. Not another one. But an old friend asked me to do it and I thought ok. I spent six months working on the proposal. I had to do all the research. He couldn't remember anything. Then this week, a rep for this guy actually, I swear to bob, said to me that I used "too many two dollar words" in the book proposal So guess what. I have no patience for fools. So his book will never see the light of my day. When I told my honey this latest turn of events, he said "good, that will give you some time to write the Ruthiewrites book." Hmm. That's such a problem because my early life reads like a extra bad novel. Who would believe it all? Should I open my book writing that I sat in the grass near the white washed oak trees watching my mother get in the car with her luggage. It was the last time I ever saw her. I was three. Whoa, the truth just flew out the window. No, I don't want to do that or write about the horrors that checkered my young life after she was gone. I want to write about the good things, the things that make me smile, not the things that still make me weep even after so many years. So if I write about the good things, I might start the book with I was laying naked across Ray Charles' desk looking up at the skylight that looked like a moon. I thought that one would make the book into a real page turner for a book about Ruth Adkins Robinson..

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