Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why am I scatterheaded

I have spent the better part of the last 24 hours looking for some paperwork I need. I'm sure there are people out there--I might even know some of them--who know where every piece of paper is. How do they do that? Why do I open up mail and then put it down somewhere? Why do I buy stuff and bring it nto my house never to see or hear of it again? I was told once that we always know where things are that we want to know where they ares... Rubbish, so not true. I have been looking for a file that contains my birth certificate (wrinkled, yellowed old thing should have been easy to spot) social security card copy and other related bits that you need for formal filings for the last year. Happily, one of the benefits of looking for something is that you invariably find something else you've been desperate to find. Now I have a whole stack of coupons that expired in 2004, some items from some of the Gift Baskets from some of the TV shows that needed to be redeemed by 2007 and I also have my birth certificate, finally. Happily I also found my vehicle registration which had expired a month ago. Who knew? But I'm laughing because today was the last day for this particular penalty phase so I got in under the wire, missing the next 100USD levy. Now if I could only find the file with my bank statements, I'd be good to go. This absent minded writer thing is way overrated. I'm scattereaded Ruth Adkins Robinson

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