Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Short and Sweet

Ok, so i've been told that I need to make my blog shorter for those with short attention spans. I'm trying, but hey I think if it's interesting enough the attention span will expand to accomodate. I'm at the musuem today watching people watching art and living history. We've got some Tuskegee Airmen here today, one of them is 100 years old. Imagine what he has seen in his life. This particular man, Walter Crenshaw, was an MP. God, how I wish I could ask him if he ever hit some cracker in the head just on g.p., but I won't. 'Course I would have if I had been him. But I've been told by many it's a good thing I'm a girl, with my temper and my nature, they would have put me under the jail long ago. --glad I'm the female Ruth Adkins Robinson

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