Earth Mother

Earth Mother

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Riveting Ray

I was running around the Beverly Center, dashing in and out of places that had what I needed to get those scripts dusted off and back in action. I'd stopped at the Corner Bakery for coffee and jumped into Staples for some thumb drives to store all the scripts stuck on four different computers. As I walked out the door, the lyrics "See the girl with the red dress on" nailed me and there I stood riveted to the concrete between the Bakery and Soup Plantation, bags of all sizes, plus lunch hanging off my arms, listening to Ray sing about the girl who could Birdland all night long. Why does he still have that much power? I just stood there until the song faded and then took up the pace again. It's funny when I put him on in the car, it's ok, doesn't take my breathe away, I just enjoy the music. But when I go to sleep with the radio on and he pops up unawares, I wake up crying, it's hard. I am Ruth Adkins Robinson still missing Ray Charles Robinson.

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